House of Bread Evangelism

Home/About Evangelism

Our Team

We form a diverse and dynamic team, united by our love for Christ and our shared mission to bring His light into the darkest corners of society. Our desire is for people to encounter the Risen King, not just hear about or read about Him but encounter and meet Him







Richie:  a fervent evangelist whose heart beats with compassion for the lost. His gift of speech, coupled with genuine empathy, makes him a powerful messenger of the Gospel. Whether in the pulpit or on the streets, Richie’s love for the Lord shines brightly, drawing others to Him. People are just naturally drawn to him.

Wilbur: our esteemed leader, bold preacher, and true servant of Christ. With humility as his hallmark, Wilbur leads by example, embodying the selfless love and sacrificial service modeled by our Savior. His leadership inspires us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, serving others with grace and compassion. Truly an individual worthy of leading the team with grace and kindness.

Dillon: a disciple of Jesus with a passion for reaching the digital generation. Armed with his skateboard and a smartphone, Dillon fearlessly navigates the ever-changing landscape of social media, using his platform to proclaim the Good News to a world in need of hope and salvation. He is also passionate about one-on-one evangelism.

Manifesto: The Gospel in Action

We are believers in the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Key Beliefs:
We believe in proclaiming the Gospel to all nations.
We affirm the ongoing work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Evangelism is our mandate, and we are called to demonstrate the love and power of Jesus.
We provoke the Body of Christ to fervently pursue the lost.
We believe in the authority of believers to heal, deliver, and bring souls into the Kingdom.

Target Audience:
All lost souls who don’t know Jesus & all believers who long to see the Kingdom of God advance on earth.

We commit to boldly proclaiming the Gospel, demonstrating love, and empowering believers for evangelism.

In Conclusion:
Together, let us fulfill the Great Commission and witness the Kingdom of Heaven manifest on earth.

Evangelism in Action